In many places (territories, countries, organizations) the time is no longer for procrastination: companies in search of transformation (digital, managerial or strategic), public or para-public authorities confronted with climate change, territories to be equipped with local development ecosystems or innovative territorial projects. Change is inevitable but must be reflected. However you lack time to rest and take stock; futures-oriented knowledge to consider and discuss alternative solutions; an outside look to challenge your vision of the world; a project manager to architect, coordinate and ensure the progress of the project …
Reorganize the present to prepare for the future

Your Need
Our Offer
At your service, we imagine, advise, accompany, coordinate. We carry out audits of the existing situation (field) and a futures-oriented analysis of the problem (pioneering). We co-build with the concerned teams solutions resistant to the turbulence of the current period (facilitation). We support the implementation of the new structures: preparation for change in itinere (stakeholders, social partners, Boards, etc.) and support for the new organization until its autonomy.
Our Plus
We combine the anticipatory, disruptive and collaborative thinking that is foresight with the principles of the X.0 economy: digitalized, human-centric, respectful of Nature and promoting circularity.

Capacity Building
Your Need
Your managers, employees, boards of directors, elected officials, technicians do not perceive the interest of change and you wish to encourage them to think differently and to become more aware of the changes underway. You no longer want an innovation isolated in its ivory tower but want to offer your teams places of reflection adapted to their needs, equipped with effective methodologies. You need to upgrade your foresight team or create a new one. You are looking for active, pedagogical training methods that allow you to integrate the results directly into your employees’ daily activities. In a nutshell, you need a proactive organization.
Our Offer
The creation, development and strengthening of skills takes many forms: from conferences to raise awareness to specific content productions, from action-training to learning expeditions, from setting-up foresight units to their rise in competence, from mobilizing individual aptitudes to that of the immense resources of thinking and doing together. Our offer includes all these activities in three complementary services: preparing the ground for change, developing internal resources for foresight and innovation, designing physical or virtual spaces for future thinking and improvement projects (rooms, games).
Our Plus
We rely on empathy, pedagogy (the right message and the right medium for the right audience) and co-construction, to ensure the appropriation of the message by the recipients.

Your Need
The new concepts jostle each other, the stakes multiply, the contradictory arguments clash. In this unreadable world, you are looking for sounding, objective answers to your questions: how does digitalization differ from digitization? why and how can it change my processes, my business model? Outcome economy, Alien Gen, well-being at work: what do these terms cover? is it a structuring phenomenon or a fad? Climate change, ecological footprint, energy transition, AI, robotics, NBIC, etc.: how will this affect my territory, my activities? What policies, strategies should be implemented for which objective?
Our Offer
Forward looking expertise is about giving meaning to what we see, hear, read and perceive, in order to better understand the structuring forms of the future. This requires not only skills of synthesis and distance, but also a multidisciplinary work of information and research in the field to improve the legibility of developments (trends, disruptions, emergences), often blurred by short-term thinking, over-information or pseudo-information. Macrohistory –study of transformations– is one of our preferred tools to better understand these very long-term developments. Our themes of research evolving constantly, do not hesitate to question us.
Our Plus
An international experience at the service of a global vision (worldview, Big Picture) and a robust horizon-scanning tool, macroTrends©.

Recherche, Innovation, Défrichage
Your Need
You feel the narrowness of ancient concepts to grasp the changes in progress and seek to free yourself from this straitjacket. You need to start your organization on new leads. You have the intuition of new services, activities, partnerships … but need to test them, formalize them and communicate them with pedagogy. When you have no words to say about your problem, when no title corresponds to the action you want, we are there to support your intuitions, help you clarify them and provide you with documented and verified results.
Our Offer
Because the world that is coming is new, we need new ways of thinking, new insights, new connections, new explanatory or operational schemes… Our job is to clear new horizons and all the differences they bring, to conduct in-depth research beyond preconceived ideas and intellectual fashions, to rethink fundamentals that can unleash your teams’ creative energy. The results are communicated in many forms, from storytelling to event design, to the writing of books and newsletters.
Our Plus
An intensive use of visual language to reinforce pedagogy in the communication of our results, particularly through conferences backed by appropriation workshops.

La méta-méthode© prospective
Indeed, beyond the multiple tools and methods of foresight (more than 395 listed in 2010 in the world), there is a “meta-method” of foresight, such as it is practiced in most countries of the globe. This one has the merit of the simplicity and the capacity of exhaustive integration of all the tools of French and foreign futures-thinking.
The meta-method of foresight, common to most reflection processes, consists of three distinct cognitive stages: comprehension, anticipation and the proposal for action (CAP). Each of them has characteristics specific to futures-thinking and can produce a specific type of study (such as a diagnosis for comprehension, a scenario for anticipation, a strategic policy for the proposal for action). But this is the integrated process – as a whole – that gives meaning to anticipatory thinking.
The most standard procedure is to analyze the elements of understanding of the object studied from different angles, then to combine them into a systemic vision that obeys the foresight characteristics (UNDERSTAND); then to explore the possible evolutions of this system according to internal or external factors of change (ANTICIPATION); and finally to choose a vision of the future among several desirable scenarios and propose – to implement it – creative or corrective actions for change, adapted to the lived reality of the present situations and to the anticipated situations in the short, medium and long term (PROPOSE).
Extract from GOUX-BAUDIMENT Fabienne, “De l’attitude à l’action prospective : une méta-méthode” [From attitude to futures-oriented action: a meta-method] in GUYOT Jean-Luc, BRUNET Sébastien (ed), CONSTRUIRE LES FUTURS – Contributions épistémologiques et méthodologiques à la démarche prospective[BUILDING THE FUTURE – Epistemological and methodological contributions to the foresight approach], Namur : Presses Universitaires de Namur, 2014, pp. 93-148.