Fabienne GOUX-BAUDIMENT (en)


Fabienne GOUX-BAUDIMENT earned a Masters in Political Science (France) and a PhD in Human and Social Foresight (Social Sciences, Roma, Italy). Futurist, she has been the founding head of the consulting firm proGective in France (Paris) since 1994; centre of application, research and training in futures studies, proGective meets its clients’ needs (central or local governments, businesses, NGOs) by working out innovative and foresight-oriented solutions.

Associate Professor of Foresight and Innovation, she coordinates the curriculum “Knowledge Engineer” at ISTIA, the College of engineering of the University of Angers. She is also serving as a member of the Foresight section of the Regional Economic, Social and Environmental Council of Ile de France.

Former president of the World Futures Studies Federation (2005-2009), she is a founding member of the French Society for Foresight which she chaired from 2013 to 2016.

Author and referee of several international Journals, Fabienne is also a member of the Association of Professional Futurists and a Fellow of the World Futures Studies Federation.